Payoff Personal Loan Review

Payoff personal loans are now accessible and considered some of the best personal loans currently available. If you use Payoff, you should theoretically be able to pay off your debts more quickly since the app has intelligent features that learn about your spending and borrowing habits. Because these loans are intended to pay off credit card debt, consolidating debt with them is an excellent choice.

Payoff’s continuous assistance is aimed at educating you about your financial situation to understand better how to handle your obligations in the long term. As a consequence of this, you should be able to increase your credit score and pay off your debt in a short amount of time.

Those individuals with ordinary to lower credit scores around the 640 level who are qualified for loans of up to $35,000 should take heart in this information. For individuals looking for an online debt solution, the low beginning rates and flexible payment options make this loan alternative intriguing.

This program also provides you with a free monthly FICO score, which may assist you in determining how well you are improving your credit rating by making timely payments toward your debts. Payoff claims that it has more than 11,000 clients and has paid off a total of $175 million in personal loans for credit cards personal loans for debt payoff bills that have been cleared. Is Payoff the loan that you’ve been looking for? In particular, it helps consolidate one’s debts. Payoff personal loans are covered in detail here.


If you have the credit score and history to qualify for the best lowest rate, Payoff personal loans provide a competitive beginning APR of 5.99%. The annual percentage rate (APR) you wind up with is determined by several other criteria, including the loan time, quantity, and utilization. With this in mind, you might wind up paying as much as 24.99% at the absolute top end of the rates, but this is not as high as the rates offered by other companies such as Avant or Lending Club.

Deb consolidation loans with a set interest rate are only intended to pay off credit cards. For illustration purposes, a loan of $20,000 taken out by a borrower with excellent credit and repaid over 48 months at an annual percentage rate of 18% would result in monthly repayments of $557.

Payoff Lift

For Payoff’s borrowers to succeed in their financial endeavors, the company strongly emphasizes providing its clients with relevant information. One method to do this is by providing a significant amount of assistance. This indicates that a borrower may readily receive help via an online chat to acquire answers to fundamental problems.

The Payoff Lift service is a financial education program consisting of 12 steps and provides resources and instructions to help you get out of debt more quickly. There is also a blog called Lift that has a lot of information that will assist you in reducing your spending and improving your overall financial status.

If you are interested in learning more, you can get in touch with a Payoff member advocate who can provide you with comprehensive financial counseling. While the organization won’t coerce you into paying off your credit cards, it will provide you with much advice and assistance. This is accomplished via questionnaires that evaluate your financial personality, levels of financial stress, and how your wealth compares to that of others. Personalized suggestions are the final result. Utilizing these findings, Payoff provides you with tools and resources that will assist you in maintaining your commitment to achieving your objectives.

How Does It Work?

By enabling you to pay off several credit card obligations with a single loan, Payoff simplifies the process of consolidating credit card debt. When Payoff has paid off all your credit card balances, you will be left with just Payoff, a single loan amount, and a previously agreed-upon rate.

Payoff Personal Loan

Depending on the APR you had before and the APR you acquire with this new loan, this not only makes payments easier but also has the potential to save you money by allowing you to pay a lower rate overall. You can repay the loan over two to five years; however, the longer you wait to do so, the more expensive it will be.

Requirements to Qualify

A minimum FICO score of 640 is required to qualify for a Payoff loan. If you have a score that is lower than that, then you will not be considered. While TransUnion’s FICO score is used for this specific loan, your score may differ if obtained from a different bureau. So, before applying, you should determine your individual FICO score via TransUnion. Since you will also need a credit history of at least three years old, this is not for those who are just starting out with debt.

With a Payoff loan, a yearly salary of $25,000 is the minimum necessary. Yet, you must also maintain a debt-to-income ratio of no more than fifty percent. This indicates that your total debt should be no more than half of your annual income. If you make $50,000 per year, for example, you can have a maximum debt of $25,000. This loan can only be used to consolidate credit card debt since it is a firm that provides such loans. Click here to discover Lexington Law Credit Repair.


If you take out a loan with a company named Payoff, you won’t have to worry about paying any early repayment or late payment penalties. When you take out the loan, you will be responsible for paying an origination charge. This price is often rather high. The origination fee might be as low as zero percent of the loan amount or as high as five percent. So, the amount of money you borrow in conjunction with your current financial status may be a factor that determines whether or not you choose Payoff.

Free FICO Scores

Payoff wants you to understand the benefits of settling your financial obligations promptly. This is accomplished by ensuring that you are kept up to date with your loan status.

If you are a borrower, you can receive your FICO score completely free of charge once every month. This will make it possible for you to monitor the development of your rating as you make progress toward paying off your debt and maintain a history of making payments on time each month.

The fact that you are not only eliminating debt but also getting acknowledged for it and even rewarded in the future makes it nearly seem like you are saving money, even if it may seem straightforward initially. The typical Payoff borrower sees a 40-point rise in their FICO score due to using the service.

What Users Say

JD Power is the industry standard when it comes to customer satisfaction ratings, but Payoff isn’t a significant enough player for it to have been included on that list. On the other hand, the online aggregator of consumer evaluations known as Credit Karma claims that the lending organization has a positive reputation.

According to Credit Karma, Payoff currently has a rating of 4.6 out of 5, based on 33 user reviews at the time of publication. At the highest end, this includes words such as “quick and simple at a terrific rate,” and 85 percent of users have rated it five stars. However, at the very bottom, there is nine percent of reviews only give one star and include remarks such as “stay away, the main objective is to try to sneak costs on you.”

Payoff Personal Loan User Review

When Can I Expect to Get My Money If I Use Payoff?

According to Payoff, most authorized loans are funded within two to five business days after the verification procedure is finished. But keep in mind that this is only an average. You may reduce the amount of personal lead time you need by doing the following:

  • Submitting your application outside of high-demand periods for borrowing, such as the Christmas season
  • Being ready to provide the papers that are detailed in the previous section
  • Be ready to respond to any questions that could be asked. For instance, if you have had a check bounce or been past due on payment within the last year, you should be prepared to explain the reason why.

The fact that reality may be both better and worse than the average reflects a positive aspect of averages. How long does it take, exactly, before you get your money? Not long, if you play ball.

What Are Some of the Other Options for Other Payoff?

If paying off your credit card debt via consolidation is one of your primary objectives, there is a good chance that Payoff will be a strong candidate for a spot on your short list of potential solutions. When comparing personal loans, however, consider these other options:


LendingClub is an option to consider if you think it would be more beneficial for you to submit a joint application or have a co-signer. They won’t be a problem at all. Also, similar to Payoff, the process of making an initial application will not have a negative impact on your credit score.

Best Egg

A reputable lending company that is well-known for its quick processing of applications and affordable interest rates. But keep an eye out for late penalties, and know that you may not receive the specialized counsel and assistance that Payoff gives its clients who are consolidating their debt.


This lender, similar to LendingClub, will allow joint applications and co-signers, which some borrowers may find very useful. In addition, much like LendingClub, it will charge you a fee if you are late. Find out more about Upstart Personal Loan.


Anyone with strong or excellent credit might benefit tremendously from working with this lender. If this describes you, then you may be able to obtain a pretty excellent bargain. If it isn’t, you could be better off finding elsewhere for your needs. (Find out more about Prosper Personal Loan)


Here is another example of a lender that is in the category of those who provide excellent terms to consumers with good credit. Yet, fewer excellent ones in comparison to others. The fact that there are very few if any, fees required to enter the zone is a positive aspect that should endear it to a good number of people. (Learn more about SoFi Mortgage here)


Another financial institution that offers the most favorable terms to customers who have strong or exceptional credit. If you have a poor credit history, you may have difficulty being authorized for anything. Nonetheless, you may borrow up to one hundred thousand dollars if you have a stable financial situation and can make the necessary repayments.


The Payoff is a specialized loan business that has been established to assist customers in the process of consolidating their credit card debt. Since it serves such a specialized goal, this loan comes with a variety of tools that not only assist borrowers in paying off their existing debt and improving their credit scores but also teach them how to become more adept at managing their money.

The beginning rate is not too high, and the maximum allowed is not among the highest available. You will be charged an origination fee, but there will be no further charges for early payment or late payment. Although this is intended for those who already have a credit score and history that is reasonably good, it may assist individuals who are starting from a lower position to rise and develop.

Those individuals who wish to get rid of their debt but believe they may benefit from some help and advice along the road may find this a good alternative since it provides job-loss assistance and frequent check-in customer care throughout the year.


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